Jiddu Krishnamurthy

Who is your favorite historical figure?

The Master J Krishnamurthy

Jiddu Krishnamurti (1895-1986) was a renowned Indian philosopher, speaker, and writer, known for his profound insights on the nature of the human mind, personal freedom, and the challenges of modern life. His teachings emphasized the need for a radical transformation in the way individuals perceive themselves and the world around them. Here are some key aspects of his life and philosophy:

Early Life and Background

  • Theosophical Society: Krishnamurti was discovered by leaders of the Theosophical Society, Annie Besant and C.W. Leadbeater, who believed he was the “world teacher” they had prophesied.
  • Order of the Star: He was groomed for this role and became the head of the Order of the Star, an organization created to support his anticipated mission as a spiritual leader.

Break with the Past

  • Disbanding the Order: In 1929, Krishnamurti famously dissolved the Order of the Star, rejecting the role assigned to him and the notion of any organized belief system or guru. He declared that truth is a pathless land and cannot be approached through any organization, creed, or individual.
  • Independent Teaching: Following this, he traveled extensively, giving talks and writing on various subjects, always emphasizing direct personal experience over organized religion or philosophical systems.

Core Teachings

  • Self-Inquiry: Krishnamurti advocated for a deep, personal inquiry into one’s own mind and actions. He emphasized that true understanding comes from within, not from external authorities.
  • Freedom from Conditioning: He believed that individuals are conditioned by their environment, culture, education, and past experiences. True freedom, he argued, comes from understanding and breaking free from this conditioning.
  • Observation without Judgment: He taught the importance of observing one’s thoughts and feelings without labeling them as good or bad. This non-judgmental awareness allows for deeper understanding and transformation.
  • Nature of Thought: Krishnamurti examined the nature of thought and its role in human suffering. He asserted that thought is a product of the past and often impedes true perception and understanding.
  • Relationship and Society: He explored the dynamics of human relationships, emphasizing that society is a reflection of the individual. To change society, one must first change oneself.
  • Meditation: For Krishnamurti, meditation was not a technique but a state of mind that involves being fully aware and attentive in the present moment.

Influence and Legacy

  • Books and Talks: Krishnamurti authored numerous books, including “The First and Last Freedom,” “Commentaries on Living,” and “Freedom from the Known.” His talks and dialogues have been compiled into several volumes.
  • Krishnamurti Foundations: Organizations such as the Krishnamurti Foundation Trust, Krishnamurti Foundation of America, and others have been established to preserve and disseminate his teachings.
  • Schools: He founded schools in India, the UK, and the US, aiming to create environments where students could develop holistically, without the pressures of competition and fear.

Philosophy in Practice

Krishnamurti’s teachings continue to inspire individuals seeking to understand themselves and the world more deeply. His emphasis on self-awareness, freedom from conditioning, and the importance of direct perception remains relevant in addressing contemporary personal and societal challenges.

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